This course covers the NC requirements to obtain a concealed carry handgun permit. This course also provides an introduction and orientation to firearm safety and developing basic shooting skills. It is designed for beginning and intermediate handgun shooters. Course topics include: pistol safety, parts and operation; an introduction to ammunition and the fundamentals of pistol shooting and information on the care and cleaning of a pistol. A certificate is issued at the completion of the course that will be accepted by any sheriff in NC when applying for a Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) Permit. The course includes classroom instruction reviewing handgun safety and operation, concealed carry techniques and the current NC laws on the use of deadly force. At the end of the course there is a written examination, as well as a shooting qualification exercise with targets placed at 3, 5 and 7 yards from the shooter, and requires 30 rounds of ammunition to complete. Ownership of a handgun is not required. Handguns, hearing protection, and eye protection can be rented at the range.